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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

An Overview Change On "The Filling Station"

I've mentioned about this cafe in Greentown in MummyInVain, can be refer here. This time it changed my overview on its business. I thought it has not much business all the while but from what I saw just now, it indeed has its own regular customers. No wonder they can stand for so long!

Chocolate Doughnut

Wei was not in the good mood. See! The purpose she asked me to come here was to eat her favourite doughnuts. I didn't want to order at first since they didn't have original flavour and these doughnuts were fried and oily. She then cried and showed me a long face, and I just gave in.

Left ~ Monte Cristor - Bread fried in eggs with ham and cheese;
Right ~ Ham Omellette

Just had a hot drink ~ Teh Tarik. Quite nice, not too sweet.

These are how they decorate their cafe. They sell beer and wines too. Those who want to enjoy wine could choose here as it's quiet and peaceful. Staff there is friendly too.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

WAH NAM Kopitiam

I am a big fan of kopitiams. Although I patronise Old Town Kopitiam quite often, I still haven't written anything on it. Today I kick off by introducing this new kopitiam first - WAH NAM Kopitiam, located in Greenhill too, at the street behind Mamamia Steamboat.

It is another branch of a coffee shop which carries the same name. Snapped some photos of its premise. The building is big with two shoplots, air-conditioned and clean environment. Very comfortable to take your meal with your love ones. Look at the first photo, it was a bit crowded because it was Sunday.

There are galores of food in this kopitiam. You can have noodles, rice, bread, desserts and even dim sum here. They have all kinds of drinks too. I tried their white coffee, a drink that I would always order in each and every new kopitiam. Not bad, but I would rather choose white coffee in Old Town Kopitiam.

White Coffee Ice, Longan+Sea Coconut, Soya Bean+Cincau, Ice Lemon and Custard

Left ~ Dim Sum ; Right ~ Chicken (Ngar Choy Gai style)

Left ~ Braised Chicken With Black Soya Sauce Rice ;
Right ~ Ipoh Lam Mee, Chicken Kueh Teow Soup, Prawn Mee.

I love this place. The service of the staff is nice and I'll definitely visit this place again. I'll show some of the other food next time that I have missed today.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Steamboat Craver

Shirley and I had promised each other for a steamboat since last two weeks. As we were so busy with our centre's work, we delay our plan till tonight. Shirley and my hubby are both steamboat cravers. For me, it's ok once a while but not every day!

Above shows the place that we went for "Eat All You Can" steamboat. It is called "Mamamia Steamboat ~ 人气火锅" and it is in Greenhill, next to Crazy Ice-Cream House. They charge only RM19.90 per pax. Quite reasonable too as there are a lot of varieties to choose. It suits those great eater well but for those with tummy of a kitten like me, sure 'rugi' la.

Left ~ Varieties of meatballs, sausages, ham, dumplings, fried stuff and vege...all halal;
Right ~ Seafood like crabs, shrimps, oysters, mussels ... etc.;
Bottom ~ Spicy lettuce of Korean style, known as "泡菜" and fruits.

Wow!! Can you see what we have on our table? Meat ~ chicken, beef, fish..., taufu, meatballs, green vege, seaweed, sushi some more....how could we finish all these??? Photo on the right is the soup that we ordered. Tomyan and ginseng soup.

If you would like to know about the taste, hmmm...so so only neh.. not tasty but only salty. Their chili sauce doesn't taste better. All in all, their food is within the average and bad though they have many customers. In service wise, they employ Malay workers who are helpful and polite. In that sense, they still have something to be praised for.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

I Love Nyonya Food

My family's another common dinner spot, Bee Gaik Restaurant which is located in Ipoh Garden South, opposite the old Pavilion Cinema. It is famous for its baba and nyonya dish especially its assam curry fish head. Everyone's favourite but the order is limited.

Firstly I introduce to you all on this dish, Ju Hu Char ~ stir fried turnip slices, squid and dried squids. Actually it's Hokkien traditional dish, my mum always cooks it during CNY.

Next is the Braised Chicken in Hong Kong style. Soft and smooth meat with sweet gravy. This is the special dish of the day.

Above are the common dish that you can find else where.
Left ~ Steam salt eggs and century eggs;
Right ~ Fried "Pigs' Belly" with vege;

Arha....this is another speciality of the restaurant.....Baba Dry Lemak Chicken ~ cooked with blend of curry spices, lemon grass, onion rings and santan. It is the famous dish of baba community influenced by Portuguese in Straits. Children and old citizens may not like it because it is spicy and it may cause cholesterol if taken too often.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

KFC - "Fingers Linking Good!"

I seldom bring my children for fast food, not even myself even though hubby loves KFC ~ Kentucky Fried Chicken a lot. I'll only choose McDonalds and Pizza Hut if I really feel like having some. I just feel that the chickens in KFC are oily because fried stuff and it's very bad for health, especially the fat accumulation in body. I was told by the elders that those chickens were injected with chemical drugs to make them grow faster. This may cause cancer if taking excessively and it harms the development of babies in pregnant women.

Most of us know the disadvantages of it, but there are still many who patronize KFC for its yummy fried chickens, nuggets, chicken burgers like Colonial Burger and Zinger Burger. They are now selling fish fillet burgers and fish nuggets as well. I admit that its fried chickens are a lot difference if compared with those from outside stores or KLG. Their fried chicken don't look dark like being burnt but they are still crispy. I like to eat only drumsticks. Don't ever give me chicken breast, thick and rough....yeee..

From my Wei's face, you can imagine how long she hasn't tasted KFC before! She couldn't open her mouth and talk even I kept on asking her about the food. Too busy enjoying.....bites after bites.....I gave her only a piece but she asked for more, but then I just shared my Colonel Burger with her to keep her 'full'. Pity ya....dared not let her eat too much, worried that she might get sick. She is quite a heaty type of girl.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Visiting Left Shore Today

I went for lunch with my mum and two kids this afternoon. As I promised to write on Left Shore Cafe last week in my Mummy In Vain blog, I better keep my promise. Unfortunately, I've forgotten to snap photos on the cafe's and its inner environment, because too busy eating and taking care of children! It was like "war", when eating with children!! I'll replace one in my next post on it ~ remember? My boy's birthday to be celebrated there on 12 April.

The cafe is behind Cowan Street. They offer set lunch at only RM9.90, including a soup, a main dish, a drink and a dessert. Quite reasonable. Now let's see what they have here.

Left ~ Creamy Corn Soup;
Middle ~ Ham and Egg Mayo Sandwich;

" A Greeny Day " ~ some kind of mixed tea with green apple and lime...mmmm...

Left ~ Chicken Sausage Pasta With White Sauce and Tomato Sauce;
Right ~ mmmm.....My favourite!!! Orange Bell Pepper Dory Fish. Nice ya?

My Wei insisted that she want some desserts, so I took this.

Butter And Cheese Pudding ~ soft, served warm with vanilla sauce

Look at her! Enjoying her spaghetti......"Mum, I want to come here again ya."

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Introducing San Marco Ice-Cream House

My parents and I are the regular customer to this San Marco. We will appear at this shop at least once a week on weekends after dinner. I have a strong feeling on their homemade ice-cream that makes me introducing them to you all.

San Marco is located at Ipoh Garden East, very near to Jusco and Tesco. It has a history of 10 years and is ran by a couple who are very friendly. They have been working in England for a few years and they discovered the recipe of such delightful ice-creams from the country. I know this because we chit-chat a lot when serving ourselves in San Marco.

Have a look at these lovely ice-creams. They all have their own specialities and names. There are variety of flavours to choose besides chocolate and vanilla, such as almond, pistachio, coconut, jackfruit, durian, ciku and etc. I like durian the best. What do we mean homemade? It means all these ice-creams are made of natural fruits without any artificial colouring, sweeteners and preservatives. If you are an ice-cream lover but worry that you might turn fat, these are the one that you all should choose. Remember, the sweetness that you can taste are all from the fruits!

Believe in me because I am already addicted to these ice-creams and I still look slim!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Another Highlight For Dessert Craver!

I'm a person who loves to eat, especially visiting every new corner for delicious food....I was on my way today after dinner, to this newly open dessert house "Ice Ice Baby ~ Food That Melts Your Heart" located at Jalan Sultan Yusoff (near Ipoh Padang Besar). Even my 21 months old son knows to pronounce,"Ice Ice Baby"! Funny... :)

Top ~ Logo of the shop

Newspaper report shows that it is owned by two Hong Kong actors, Mr.郑浩南 and Mr.秦沛. We can taste some of the specialties from Hong Kong there. Besides desserts like ice-cream and sweet soup, they have snacks, baked rice, noodles and other special drinks. There are all kinds of names and decorations on their desserts. You can have a look on my right!

I have ordered banana creme brulee, while my parents ordered Harsmar (雪蛤) Lotus Soup and Harsmar In Coconut. The comments from them are, they expect other varieties like famous kuih-muih and water chestnut soup in HK. They think that the desserts served are quite common and expensive. My father said that he might not visit again but I will surely do because I feel that the environment there is ok and somemore they have wifi service soon! I can enjoy my baked rice while surfing next time...

Show you all below some pictures of the place that I've taken.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Having A Full Meal At 'TEN-GOOD' !

So surprisingly I was asked to have dinner with hubby tonight. We supposed to go for steamboat but the shop was closed today. Then hubby asked whether I wanted Japanese food. I nodded and we ended in a Japanese Restaurant called 'TEN-GOOD' ~ 天狗 at Greentown. My hubby knew that I was going to take photos again but he reminded me that the owner might not like what I did. I was worried on his words but I need to blog! I had no choice but to snap photos like a spy there.....

Here is one of the corner in restaurant. Nice and clean ya? There is always a small tray with a set like the above (right) on each table. I found it cute and I just snapped it. The jar on the left contains chilli powder while the other jar on the right contains soya sauce. Nah...not of your concern right? Must be wondering, how the food was like? ok, ok...there were so many choices but I managed to show those that we ordered. Two persons only mar....how to eat that much!

Left ~ Kimuchi Udon (Claypot Udon, Japanese noodle in spicy soup neh, like tomyam!)
Right ~ Harusame gyoza (Chicken wings with dumpling inside!)

Left ~ Saba Fish (kind of rough like the taste of 'kampung fish')
Right ~ Awabi Itame (baby abalone, hubby's favourite with hackberry)

Left ~ These are Kushiyaki, we call Japanese sate with chicken balls, asparagus wrapped in chicken meat, hackberry wrapped in chicken meat,.....etc.
Right ~ Una-don (eel rice), which is my favourite! yummy....it tastes sweet....

We spent RM126 on these food, just only two of us!!!! Once a while is ok with me, not everyday.....or else my hubby's pocket will start to get holes....ke ke ke.... ^-^