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Saturday, March 17, 2007

KFC - "Fingers Linking Good!"

I seldom bring my children for fast food, not even myself even though hubby loves KFC ~ Kentucky Fried Chicken a lot. I'll only choose McDonalds and Pizza Hut if I really feel like having some. I just feel that the chickens in KFC are oily because fried stuff and it's very bad for health, especially the fat accumulation in body. I was told by the elders that those chickens were injected with chemical drugs to make them grow faster. This may cause cancer if taking excessively and it harms the development of babies in pregnant women.

Most of us know the disadvantages of it, but there are still many who patronize KFC for its yummy fried chickens, nuggets, chicken burgers like Colonial Burger and Zinger Burger. They are now selling fish fillet burgers and fish nuggets as well. I admit that its fried chickens are a lot difference if compared with those from outside stores or KLG. Their fried chicken don't look dark like being burnt but they are still crispy. I like to eat only drumsticks. Don't ever give me chicken breast, thick and rough....yeee..

From my Wei's face, you can imagine how long she hasn't tasted KFC before! She couldn't open her mouth and talk even I kept on asking her about the food. Too busy enjoying.....bites after bites.....I gave her only a piece but she asked for more, but then I just shared my Colonel Burger with her to keep her 'full'. Pity ya....dared not let her eat too much, worried that she might get sick. She is quite a heaty type of girl.

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