This place is just nearby my mum's house, located at Kampar road, next to Honda Company. They are doing something like the Malacca sate celup style, but not exactly the same in terms of the taste. I tried the real Malacca sate celup, it was yummy, but not in this shop.

It is just small and simple shop. Not much business tonight. Just a table of the owner's relative. It used to be crowded when first started. Business drops maybe because it's expensive, RM0.80 per stick!

Here is the peanut soup / kuah that hubby and I ordered. They have chicken soup and tomyam as well. I thought of the taste in Malacca, so I tried this but was disappointed. Too watery without much peanuts and it was tasteless..... :(
Luckily they have this, satay kuah!
Varieties of sate sticks in the fridge.

We have taken a lot too. Nearly couldn't finished. Hubby sneaked to return some back to the fridge. Hopefully nobody saw him. Real pai seh..... don't waste mar..... :P
See, how greedy I was! Still want to try these preserved eggs. Just claimed to be full!! Huh??
Some more, a big plate of tumeric fried rice. I ordered this at the first place, thinking that I might not be full with just sate celup. But then, have to 'ta pao' and take it away for my dad at home!