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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Steamboat Craver

Shirley and I had promised each other for a steamboat since last two weeks. As we were so busy with our centre's work, we delay our plan till tonight. Shirley and my hubby are both steamboat cravers. For me, it's ok once a while but not every day!

Above shows the place that we went for "Eat All You Can" steamboat. It is called "Mamamia Steamboat ~ 人气火锅" and it is in Greenhill, next to Crazy Ice-Cream House. They charge only RM19.90 per pax. Quite reasonable too as there are a lot of varieties to choose. It suits those great eater well but for those with tummy of a kitten like me, sure 'rugi' la.

Left ~ Varieties of meatballs, sausages, ham, dumplings, fried stuff and vege...all halal;
Right ~ Seafood like crabs, shrimps, oysters, mussels ... etc.;
Bottom ~ Spicy lettuce of Korean style, known as "泡菜" and fruits.

Wow!! Can you see what we have on our table? Meat ~ chicken, beef, fish..., taufu, meatballs, green vege, seaweed, sushi some more....how could we finish all these??? Photo on the right is the soup that we ordered. Tomyan and ginseng soup.

If you would like to know about the taste, hmmm...so so only neh.. not tasty but only salty. Their chili sauce doesn't taste better. All in all, their food is within the average and bad though they have many customers. In service wise, they employ Malay workers who are helpful and polite. In that sense, they still have something to be praised for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been here last year for my birthday dinner but sad to say, we're not happy with the food. Service was slow and worse, the mushroom was not fresh (tastes like they didn't clean it!).