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Monday, October 8, 2007

10 Easy Ways To Love Your Heart

Below are the 10 ways to help you lower your cholesterol level and enjoy a balanced life. Hope this information would help.

1. Get enough plant sterols
Vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and whole grain are great sources of plant sterols. Taking a sufficient amount of plant sterols can help reduce your total cholesterol absorption by about 50%.

2. Eat more fibre
It's easy to increase your fibre intake. Just eat more high-fibre fruits like apples and bananas, leafy vegetables and whole grains.

3. Choose healthy snacks
When you reach out for something to munch, make sure it's healthy. Try fresh fruits, low-fat yogurt or high-fibre biscuits.

4. Have home-cooked meals
Take control of what you eat. Cooking at home lets you include more healthy food like vegetables and lean meat. You can also use less or no oil with healthier ways of cooking such as steaming, boiling or baking. Sit down for a proper meal and savour every mouthful.

5. Eat smart when it comes to meat and oil
You don't have to ban meat from your diet. Just select lean cuts. Remove the skin and trim all visible fat before cooking. If you're using oil, it's better to choose one that contains Omega 3 and 6.

6. Get regular medical check-ups
If you feel and look healthy, great! But do go for your medical check-ups as they are still the surest way of detecting any health complications.

7. Relax and smile more
Happy people are usually healthy people too. You can't avoid stress, but you can learn to handle it better. One of the easist ways is to always think positive. You can also try counting to 10 when you feel an angry outburst coming.

8. Exercise
Sorry, there are no short cuts to a healthier body. You need to exercise. Even if you don't have the time, there are many ways to move that body. Use the stairs, take a longer way when walking, wash your car yourself or do household chores.

9. Have fun
Life feels great when you're having fun. Don't like working out? Try dancing instead. Getting bored of eating same food? Experiment with something new. There're always different ways of doing things.

10. Love your family
A happy heart is a healthy heart. So make time for those dear to you. Strike a healthy balance between family and work.


New Kid on the Blog said...

agree with all the 10 commands!!!

Anonymous said...

hi, just to let u know that i link u to my food blog d :)

Coketai said...

Thanks for the information. Do you have any tip for high blood pressure???


pearly said...

thank for drop by to my blog will link you in yes I born in IPOH .xxxx

Jacelyn Chew said...

Thanks for linking, Miche and Pearly. Will link you all too here.

Coketai, since you have the request, will try to look for some info on high blood pressure info.