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Saturday, February 24, 2007

First Trial On Italian Food

I spotted this newly opened cafe every time I drive along the main road in front of Greentown Square. It was "Spaghetti Sweet Tea Cafe". I pulled my hubby into the cafe on Valentine's day, but unfortunately they were already closed at that time as it was already 10pm. We were 'invited' to leave and we felt so shameful at that moment.

I decided to go there again last Thursday, since it really attracts me though it doesn't have a special outlook. And this time I was with my hubby and children as well. Hubby and I were like in war because our kids ran about playing and touching whatever they could see even we yelled and scolded them. We could hardly taste our food but I managed to snap photos on dishes that we ordered to show my bloggers here.

Left ~ Soup with fish balls
Right ~ Grilled Chicken

Left ~ Chicken Parmesan ( with tomato sauce and cheese on top )
Right ~ Spaghetti with tomato sauce and sausages

Most of the Italian food is cooked with tomato sauce, very little to find spicy flavour, not even chilli sauce! The drinks we ordered were special. They were something like cocktail.

Left ~ SSTC ( Popular drink in cafe; mixing of lemon and mint flavour )
Right ~ Sunshine Strawberry

Even though it was a 'busy' meal, but we enjoyed our dinner well. We had spent RM109 on these food. What do you think? Expensive?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Especially For Chinese New Year....

My uncle and aunt were throwing us a treat for dinner at Public (Pusing) Restaurant in Ipoh town on the 1st night of CNY. This "Yee Sang" is a special dish on CNY. We can only have this in all the restaurant during CNY. It looks something like Chinese "rojak" with slices of carrots, cucumbers, green and purple vege, pieces of pomelos, sesame, crackers and slices of raw fish or jelly fish mixed together with sweet gravy.

The Chinese believes that the higher we grib and mix the dish with chopsticks, the better we are in the year. It brings wealth and prosperity to family and is good for those who run business too. That's why in Cantonese we call it "Lou Sang" ~ "Lou Dou Feng San Shui Hei".